Personal Injury Lawyers…They are NOT All the Same!

Personal Injury Lawyers…They are NOT All the Same!

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The ads are ubiquitous. The slogans annoying. Personal injury and car crash lawyers often get a bad rap. Sometimes deservedly so. As widespread as those billboards, radio ads and other assaults on the senses are…they are meant to address something almost all of us has experienced, or been touched by – a car accident.  When those accidents produce injuries, the “PI” lawyer is suddenly needed.  How do you find a good one?  Does a bad ad make for a bad lawyer? Does no ad make for a good lawyer?  Let's find out as Bob interviews Kevin Fine, a PI lawyer and a wellness advocate.

As you listen, mull these stats over from

  • In 2019, there were 6,756,000 police-reported motor vehicle crashes, including 1,916,000 crashes involving injury and 33,244 crashes involving death. (NHTSA, 2021) 
  • In 2010, the economic cost of traffic crashes (both reported and unreported) was estimated to be about $242 billion, plus an additional $594 billion in societal costs resulting from the effects of these crashes on the victims, for a total cost of $836 billion. This total cost represented about 5.6% of the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010. (NHTSA, 2017) (Source:
  • Around 2 million drivers in car accidents experience permanent injuries every year. (Driver Knowledge, 2019) (Source:
  • About 10 million or more crashes go unreported each year. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2018) (Source:

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